Antioxidant Food Sources

Antioxidants are substances that help our bodies fight free radicals-natural but toxic chemical reactions that occur in our bodies and damage our cells. Different antioxidants combat different free radicals, so it’s wise to know and use a wide range of antioxidant foods and vitamins that help preserve health and vitality.

Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant vitamin. Foods that contain the antioxidant properties of Vitamin C include oranges, lemons, grapefruits, cantaloupe, many leafy greens, broccoli and peppers. Beta carotene, found in carrots, is another antioxidant nutrient.

Garlic is another food known for its antioxidant properties. Garlic actually has many healthy properties and can even be used as an antibacterial.

Berries of almost every type are excellent antioxidants. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries all have antioxidant properties.

Although cooking can dilute the nutrients in food, most foods have more than enough to last. The antioxidant properties of red grapes are even found in wine, so it’s not necessary to eat raw foods in order to get antioxidant benefits.

And speaking of antioxidants that you can drink, don’t forget about tea. All different kinds of tea have these good-for-you properties, not just green tea, as was originally thought.

While nutritional supplements are available to help us get the nutrients we aren’t getting from food, the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables a day (especially if those vegetables are broccoli and spinach) should provide most of the antioxidants you need. Especially for children, it’s wise not to get in the habit of relying on supplements when a naturally varied diet can provide for most nutritional needs. As we get older, however, it may become necessary to supplement certain vitamins and minerals; for example, some older people lose the ability to naturally synthesize enough Vitamin B12. Vitamin D is another vitamin that may need to be supplemented in older people. Your doctor can do blood tests to determine if you could benefit from vitamin supplementation.

Guide to Skin Care

Winter is the time of year when our skin often gets dry.  The trip down the isle for a moisturizer can prove daunting.  There are skin moisturizer products ranging in price from $2 to $200.  Can a $200 moisturizer really be a hundred times better then the $2 moisturizer?  The key is to find a product that feels good and works on your skin.

If you have sensitive skin, you will want a fragrance-free moisturizer because perfumes can irritate the skin.  The Cetaphil products are good because they are reasonably priced and fragrance free.  The Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion ($9.99 for 16 ounces) is a good for all around use and most people are happy with it.

For an even less expensive product, try regular old petroleum jelly ($2.00 for 10 ounces) or mineral oil ($3.99 for 16 ounces).  Both are very good for holding moisture in the skin.  If you do not like the way they feel on your skin, use a small amount.  For the lips, try Chap Stick ($1.29 for .15 ounces) or Carmex ($1.29 for .3 ounces).  For the face, I would recommend Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer with SPF 15 ($10.99 for 4 ounces).  It feels less greasy on the skin and has the added sun protection.

Dry hands are the most common problem.  The best and least expensive moisturizer is still the old reliable petroleum jelly.  If you don’t like the feel, try Neutrogena Hand Cream ($3.49 for 2 ounces).

There are a couple of things you can do to avoid dry skin.  Take shorter showers with warm, not hot, water.  The hot water removes protective oils from the skin.  Use a mild soap and apply moisturizer within five minute of getting out of the shower.  If you have persistent dry, itchy skin that you cannot resolve with over-the-counter moisturizer creams, you may have a more pressing problem.  If your skin problem is causing you lack of sleep or is troublesome for more than one week, it’s a good idea to see a doctor.



Useful Self Help Resources

For establishing a guide to health and wellness, a person has many resources at their disposal that will provide help them in many areas. Most illnesses occur from exposure to outside sources but people are more susceptible to the illnesses because they lack the proper diet and nutrition to fight off the diseases naturally. The self-help efforts of medical professionals, healthcare administrators, and family can have a dramatic effect on the life of an individual.

Some medical professionals might recommend a vitamin regimen to improve the immune system. They might also recommend that a sleep study take place to rule out any sleep disorders that might be affecting the person’s health. Vitamins, nutritional supplements, and the proper amount of sleep each night can enhance the body’s immune system and diminish the threat of illnesses dramatically. Identifying the causes for some symptoms might require a lifestyle study of the individual.

People can access information about nutritional supplements through a multitude of websites established on the internet. The internet is filled with millions of self-help resources that are reliable and will give the correct dosages of vitamins that will give a person more vitality and improve their quality of life. There are many articles about health and wellness published throughout the year and people can gain access to these self-help resources by purchasing a newspaper each day.

People can use health and fitness magazines as self-help resources to learn about healthy diets or they can turn to health care professionals that specialize in nutrition and can supply several diet plans that will be quite suitable for people of all shapes and sizes. Using these self-help resources at any time is quite easy because they do not look out of place in a work or home environment. Health and fitness magazines are widely accepted self-help reference materials that are affordable and can be useful to every member in the family.

The subscription rates for self-help magazines make them one of the best self-help tools available to the public today. People can find helpful hints on fashion trends or gain a wealth of information about a personality disorder. Some information in the pages of the magazine might help obese people find meetings to attend or inform them about surgical procedures that can be used to lose weight. Any type of deficiency can be improved upon with the help of the self-help tools in these articles.

Some people use internet chat rooms as a self-help resource. In this anonymous environment, a person can build up confidence levels and learn to express feelings without threat of exposure or fear of failure. The topics that are discussed in the internet chat rooms will vary from day to day, and the confidence gained by the exposure to others with the same problems in this controlled environment has been known to help treat many social disorders. This type of cyber therapy is a great tool for friends to use to help those that suffer from some mental disorders and the chat rooms serve as a low cost method of finding self-help support for many problems.